Organisatrice is a 'SaaS' service (Software as a Service), - a 'time tariff' so ... similar to that of wage costs.
Experience has shown that the administrative complexity increases dramatically when critical operating parameters are reached. The tariffs reflect to a certain extent these characteristic sizes of companies.
This categorisation is very general. Of course, it can also degenerate untypically depending on the industry and environment.
For detailed tariff information please contact us. We will be happy to explain our rates to you based on your current and long-term needs. We pursue a long-term stable tariff policy. Only customers who can really calculate, do understand our product and its commercial potential.
'One-man' Enterprise
- the entrepreneur himself is actively involved in the execution
- sporadic deployment of additional staff
- accounting is assisted by third parties
- establishment of a new small company (start-up), whose administration is not yet structured
- company without expansion ambitions
Smaller companies
- integrative management by leaders
- project manager, managing director
- typically up to 10 employees
- administrative assistance
- accounting
- invoicing
- secretariat
Companies with delimited operating segments
- operating segments defined by personnel
- production, assembly, maintenance, etc.
- complementary management segments
- acquisition, disposition, human resources, accounting, etc
'Individual entrepreneurs' naturally have little potential for saving on wage costs. Rather, they invest in administrative assistance to reduce their personal workload and increase their own administrative quality. By relieving the burden of work, the entrepreneurial personality gains more quality of life.
- do not have any administrative burdens, but in return need an initial robust administration structure
- thanks to a robust administrative basis, the company can continue to grow without limits if successful
Individual entrepreneur
- do administration personally
- billing
- write offers
- perform work personally
- sporadic employees
- holiday replacement
The tariff structure has been kept so simple that the entrepreneur receives the flat-rate range of services with the basic tariff.
Example 'basic rate'
- If the program is used for an individual employee, this is less than 10% of the wage costs of an 'executive' employee.
- If the program is fully utilized, the costs are distributed to less than 1% of the wage costs of an 'executive' employee.
Microentrepreneur with few employees
- With this basic tariff, the microentrepreneur is fully served.
Dynamic departments
- For example, a large assembly company can easily run its dynamic service department with 'Organisatrice', which consists of less than 10 employees.
- Any number of 'administrative' employees can be granted access to the application. (project manager, information, etc.)
Companies with departments
- Installation, service, administration
- the larger the company, the more important the issue of responsibilities becomes
Company with branch offices
- The service department is typically managed centrally here.
Powerful perspectives give you insight into the depth of time.
- this facilitates the long-term evaluation of business partners for you
- they get a meaningful overview of the operational performance of a third-party contractor
Complementary rate modules
- the third party management opens powerful insights for companies where a lot of third party services are integrated into the business processes