In principle, all these lifecycle management solutions regulate the long-term information logistics that would quickly get out of hand even in small companies without technical assistance.
In the small business, all too often the 'non-monetary' information is either kept 'only in the head' or integrated in the "classic office software" where it is no longer found.
'Organisatrice' has been designed specifically for small to medium sized businesses. This 'organization system' replaces in a way the whole bundle of 'Lifecycle Management' and 'FM' software.
An intelligent navigation guides the user reliably and goal-oriented through the information pool. The navigation should be structured in such a way that the user finds himself at the place of action within 2-3 clicks. The standard information should be found without having to search for it.
Navigation is probably the most decisive factor in terms of ease of use. Equally important is the presence of complementary perspectives, in which users clearly find themselves in their role and orientation. A short training period for the user confirms the global user-friendliness.
The 'Lifecycle Management' and 'Facility Management' products in particular focus on the long-term management of products, facilities and services.
Administrative charge
All these software solutions have been developed primarily for office-centered administration. The human resources required for this type of administration are correspondingly high and usually not suitable for small businesses and units.
- PLM = 'Product Lifecycle Management'
- langfristige Verwaltung von Produkten
- Produktentwicklung, Vertrieb, Reparatur und Unterhalt
- langfristige Verwaltung von Produkten
- SLM = 'Service Lifecycle Management'
- langfristige Verwaltung von Service-Dienstleistungen
- Unterhalt, betriebliche Optimierung
- langfristige Verwaltung von Service-Dienstleistungen
- FM = 'Facility Management'
- Verwaltung von technischen Dienstleistungen in Immobilien beim Kunden
A frequent cause of operational grievances is that operational realities are mapped in administrative programs that are not suitable for this purpose.
The classic ERP solutions have their competences in the administrative segment of 'performance remuneration'.
Not infrequently, these classic SME software solutions are therefore not made to efficiently absorb and map the high dynamics of operational execution.
CRM (= Client Relationsship Management)
Strukturierung von Kundenbeziehungen mit Schwerpunkt Kommunikation
- eMail, Korrespondenz
ERP (= Enterprise Resource Planning)
Planung und Steuerung von Betriebsmitteln
- Strukturierung und Vernetzung von monetär dominierten Betriebskomponenten
- Auftragswesen, Fakturierung, Buchhaltung und Zahlungsverkehr
Die Realität
All diese digitalen Werkzeuge hätten die Aufgabe den Betriebsalltag sowohl menschlich wie informationstechnisch zu vereinfachen. Dies ist leider nicht immer der Fall.
Without the technical help of standardized organizational systems, people are quickly overwhelmed.
The essential characteristics of a robust organizational system are listed here.
Data security
Operational and structural data should be stored on server locations that have your long-term trust. If files are stored, they should be isolated (out of context) in private storage.
Operational safety
The software should be operated within standard applications. Browser-based solutions enjoy very high security standards in terms of networking with the Internet.
Operating mode
System relevant software should be professionally operated. PC-driven software in operation rarely enjoys reliable maintenance.
In contrast, server-driven software in professionally maintained environments.
SaaS = 'Software as a Service
A standard software is also configurable, but it runs in the same version at countless other customers. This guarantees the customer a certain security, maintenance and longevity of data and application.