... easy interactive administration


The systematic presentation of information throughout, combined with powerful program navigation, makes consulting information an experience.

Image documentation in particular makes it possible to think one's way into a problem or job context in just a few moments.

Information Framework

To a certain extent, 'Organizatrice' provides you with the logical frameworks so that you can set up your information building in such a way that it corresponds to your operational functionalities.

Specifically, this framework mainly represents the human aspects of a company and is therefore "employee-centered"

  • Authority
    • the hierarchical relationships are thus defined
  • Role
    • actually reflects the operational competence
  • Responsibility
    • the responsibilities are reflected in assigned tasks, assignments and long-term mandates


In a sense, the information framework represents the "organizational structure" of a company.

Information - Flow

New information screens are created daily in the structured information framework, which typically depict your business activities.

The information flows are regulated in the "process organization" in such a way that the order load can be processed efficiently and economically. These information flows are reflected in the focused operational perspectives

  • Customers
    • offers, orders, subscriptions, projects
  • Buildings
    • interventions, history, contacts
  • Services
    • contractors, providers and suppliers
  • Collaborators
    • execution, reports


All these operational aspects and players are closely linked in terms of administration and execution and should be included in the work process in a targeted manner

Text informationen

  • the orthogonal information structure needs very few words
    • the choice of words is more consistently focused on invoicing
    • the information is filed in a targeted manner
    • the order items are formulated in a more standardized way

Image information

  • the easy integration of photos with smartphone (camera), tablet or PC brings many advantages, especially for (repetitive) jobs (= subscriptions)
    • installation, building zones, building plans
    • picture documentation (repair service)
    • product picture, schemas

Documents Pdf

  • Contract documents, contract information for subscriptions
  • User manuals, product descriptions
  • Order form, purchase order
  • Delivery bill

Enhanced information

The information is always easily retrievable and often increases in value over time. By always being presented in the right context, the information is understandable even to that employee who has not experienced the execution context themselves.


  • buildings, clients
  • date, collaborator, mandate


  • Hourly report of the employee
  • Work report for the customer
    • =commercial report as a basis for invoicing
  • order summary
    • for customer
    • exhausted for internal use


  • resources are calculated over larger periods of time and presented in an understandable way
    • Annual analysis per building/customer
      • collaborator hours
      • total hours per year


  • collaborator spectrum (who, how, when)


  • the long-standing business activity is constantly mapped

Customer service

  • Acquisition base
  • Offer Reference
  • Control tool for invoicing

Flow of information

As soon as it is possible to replace communication with structured information flows, a large time saving potential is realized. Are your information flows more structured or spontaneous? How big is your potential to replace communication with information?

Most information in normal business operations is consulted more than once.

One-way information

  • Store and bill 'once only' without follow-up orders
    • this information is also often called up many times over the course of time.


Many elements of a business process are consulted again and again over time - without having changed in the meantime.

  • Client
    • the orderer of orders is
    • customer addresses
  • Building
    • building addresses
    • mission location
    • contact addresses
  • Subscription
    • work specifications
    • date of intervention

Missing information

  • The missing information costs a lot of time and tempts you
    • and usually provokes false information

Wrong information

  • The most expensive element in the structured information structure is ultimately the wrong information. It quickly becomes a problem, because ignorance or 'false intuition' lead to execution errors that can no longer be logically justified.

Long-term availability of information

The long-term availability of information depends very much on how standardized and systematized it is stored and finally presented.

Information volatilization

  • staff fluctuation
    • departure
    • retirement
  • human memory

Long-term consolidation of information

  • paper
    • archiving system
  • electronic data carriers
  • personalized knowledge carriers
    • faithful employment relationships